Another line from the song goes, 'I want my whole life to be lived with you,' and again, this is a perfect illustration of what it means to love someone. It's not 'me' any longer - it's 'we.' When you love someone, you plan things as a couple, and you think as a couple. This doesn't mean that you relinquish your independence, and can't function without your other half - just that you prefer to do things together whenever possible. You can't conceive of a future that doesn't contain the two of you, and you can't believe there will ever be a time when you're not together.
You may have been the most selfish person in the world, but all of a sudden there's someone that matters more than you do. If that's the case, you're in love. Your partner's needs come first, and there's a telepathy between the two of you, so you both pick up on when one of you needs comfort, or just to hear the other person's voice. You're like two sides of a coin - each of you is different, but you combine to make a great unit.
While you're still perfectly capable of making decisions, you now make them with your lover in mind. It's not just a case of accepting invitations, it's 'Will we both enjoy this?' If the answer is no, you may well turn down opportunities that, when you were single, you would have jumped at. Conversely, if you know he'd like to do something, you'll go along with it, even though in your previous, single existence, you would rather have stuck pins in your eyes than stand on the touchline at a rugby match in January.
When you love someone, every aspect of their life, however mundane or unimportant, achieves a prominence you would never have thought possible. You want to share everything - good and bad - because you are interested in every aspect of their life. If your lover feels the same about you, then you are truly lucky in love.
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