Sex is best when reserved for marriage, shared between two people who are committed to each other to the point of wanting to spend the rest of their lives together, there's no doubt about it.
Within a marriage, sex is fulfilling and meaningful because of the trust, respect, and care that each partner has for the other. In a sex only relationship, these emotions are rarely, if ever there. While both partners may be physically satisfied by a sex only relationship and enjoy the "no strings attached" aspect of such a relationship, sooner or later, one or both partners will experience thoughts and emotions that make such a relationship difficult to maintain for a long period of time.
So, with this being established, why then do people enter into sex only relationships? There are a few main reasons that can be identified.
First of all, consider the world today with men and women waiting longer than ever before to marry; there are more single people in their twenties, thirties, and even forties than ever before. Next one must consider the time involved in establishing a successful career in the highly competitive world that we live in today; those who are career oriented may feel that they do not have enough time to devote to a relationship, but yet long for one, in some shape or form.
Additionally, there are both men and women who have had negative relationship experiences in the past, where they were likely hurt deeply, these people may fear attachment or commitment because they associate it with pain and are determined to not allow themselves to go through that experience again. All three of these reasons and others draw people into sex only relationships.
Generally, most people will tell you that sex only relationship cannot work or at least not for a long period of time.
While this may be true in most cases, they can work, however they are always very complicated and there's no way getting around that fact. When two people bond together in sex, but refuse to commit to one another, it creates conflicting emotions and confusion. Usually one partner develops feelings for the other and the other does not and becomes deeply disappointed
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