A few have even wondered if someday drug companies might come up with an oxytocin treatment that could control the heretofore-mysterious process of falling and staying in love.
How do women win men over and make them commit to a relationship? Sure by their charm and seduction. If you want to have positive results in a relationship visit our blog.
A man who followed a stranger into a hotel room and assaulted him before stealing a bag of sex toys has been fined $1100.
Andrew William Shade pleaded guilty in Darwin Magistrates Court yesterday to assault, threatening behaviour in public and stealing.
Prosecutor Simon Lee said Shade, who was 22 at the time, spoke to the male victim about "getting chicks" in the foyer of the Value Inn on Mitchell St in March, 2003, before following him up to his room and forcing his way in.
Mr Lee said Shade pushed the victim and stood in the way of him escaping until the victim jumped out the window, breaking his heel.
Shade took a bag of sex toys from the room, as well as the victim's wallet. Mr Lee said the wallet was recovered, but not the bag of toys or the cash inside the wallet.
Shade's lawyer Colin Baker said Shade could not remember much of the incident, or what it was about.
Shade had been on a fishing boat for three months and arrived in Darwin earlier on the day of the incident - he had been drinking heavily and had also taken drugs.
Mr Baker said Shade handed himself in to a security officer at the hotel, who called
But after he was released on bail, Shade fled to
Police officers told him there was a warrant out for his arrest when he applied for a liquor permit on Groote Eylandt recently, and he handed himself into the court.
Magistrate Daynor Trigg said the circumstances of the offence were "unusual".
"One can only speculate as to what the reason for your offending was," he said. "Clearly the victim was in fear. He didn't know what you were after, he didn't know if you were there to assault him, for sexual assault or for dishonesty offences."
Mr Trigg said imprisonment was not warranted over the charges, and fined Shade $1100 across the three charges.
One of the main things that you must have if you want your ex to want you is that physical desire. In other words, your ex lover must still find you sexually appealing. This may sound superficial, but the truth is you must still be physically attractive to your ex lover if you want to raise the chances of them wanting you. So how do you make yourself sexually appealing to your ex lover?
First, you absolutely must dress in a way that emphasizes your good features. If you have a nice backside, wear pants that show it off! If your chest is very attractive, your shirt must emphasize this. If you have fabulous lips, make sure that they look soft, supple and kissable. If you have fabulous hair, make sure that it is neat and looks and smells great. You get the point here. Not only will you be more confident but your ex-lover and others will definitely take notice. Your attire should be casual, yet extremely sexy without showing off too much.
Next, you absolutely must smell great. If you still have a perfume or cologne that turned your ex on, be sure to wear it. Choose a sensual scent and do not overdo it. Give your ex a casual hug, and be sure to hug closely enough so that you leave some of your fabulous scent on him or her. Also, make sure that your ex can feel your body against his or her body, but leave it at that. Avoid hugging for too long, but do not make the hug too brief either. About 4-5 seconds should do.
When others are noticing you, notice them back, but just for a very brief moment. Your ex-lover must see that you have options and they must know that you are well aware of the fact that you have options. Notice your options, but still give your attention to your ex-lover. Your ex should not feel as if they are competing for your attention, but he or she must see that others definitely want your attention.
Finally, do not have sex with your ex. This will ruin everything. No matter how badly you may want to have sex, it is best to wait. Hold off as long as possible, especially if the breakup is recent. You want your ex to want to desire you sexually, but you definitely do not want to make it easy for them to have you sexually. Believe it or not, having sex too quickly will diminish their desire for you.
Effective communication helps in bridging the gap. Lack of communication or miscommunication is one of the leading causes of failure of any relationship. A heart to heart communication between the partners helps in strengthening the bond between the couple and the lack of communication can turn any sweet relationship sour in no time.
It is said that partners have to be best friends first. Therefore it is important to remember that like you share all your ups and lows of your life with your best friend you should also share your deepest thoughts and darkest secrets with your partner if you want your relationship to last. So open up your heart to your partner and see your relationship flourish.
Modern working couples find it extremely difficult to find time for them and this leads to lack of communication. This causes a rift in their relationship and therefore it is essential to plan out a date night when two of you can be alone and can chat to your heart’s content without the distraction of work or children running around you. If you want to iron out differences from your life such date nights where you get a chance to interact with each other without any interruptions will be the best option.
When communicating with each other to save the relationship it is essential to discuss the things maturely and not enter into any kind of altercation. Communicating with a cool head will help you in finding the root cause of the problem and also decide on the right course of action that can help in bridging the gap.
If you are unable to come to a logical conclusion on your own and your conversation session turn into a blame game routine, you as a couple should seek the help of a counselor. An unbiased opinion of an expert could help you see the problem in your relationship in a clear light which will pave the way for taking corrective measures to save your relationship.
If despite your best efforts you are unable to reach an agreement then you need to understand that both of you are just not meant to be together. In such a scenario it is better to bring your relationship to an end without hurting each other anymore. So if you want to save your relationship then communication is the key to success.
What is chemistry? I think chemistry occurs when people feel a certain cosmic, spiritual, soulful, or sexual synchronicity. This is when we feel we understand someone; we can relate to them without them having to explain themselves. It is when we know what someone is going to say, before they say it, or know what someone is going to do, before they do it.
What is love? I believe love to be the foundation of eternal trust and unconditional acceptance. When we fear not the other person's actions, truly acknowledge all their choices, and totally be with them, then there is love.
What is desire? Desire is a "calling" that we feel, a powerful and compelling attraction, or the feeling of a destiny yet to be fulfilled. Desire is the ignition of passion.
What is connection? That's our spirit at work -- causing a spark, an electric current, or a vibration. It's that link which fuels our energy and drives us to do the things we wouldn't otherwise do.
What is life? It is a journey to discover, explore, and experience miracles like these.
One of the topics that frequently comes up in couples' therapy is conflicts concerning money.
This is usually even more of an issue right before the holidays, when couples may be deciding whether to create large credit card balances from holiday shopping sprees.
Early in a relationship, couples will often unconsciously choose roles to play around money: one person is the spontaneous child & the other is a critical parent.
In this situation, there is typically no firm budget set, and the "child" part of the couple either spends much more than the "parent" wants, or the "child" part whines & begs constantly that they need more money to buy something.
The "parent" part of the couple wants to please his or her partner, and reluctantly gives permission for the purchase, even though they may resent it.
This pattern is dangerous to the long-term health of the relationship because it is a guaranteed set-up for more anger, resentment, and distance in the future. Both people quickly tire of their roles.
The "child" person hates to have to ask, and the "parent" person hates to say no. Often each is unconsciously acting out emotional issues from their families of origins & re-creating a dysfunction outcome in the relationship.
If you notice that you & your partner are displaying this pattern in dealing with money, try the following suggestions which have been shown to be very helpful for couples:
Make a budget together, including allowances for gifts, going out & other fun activities. You may need to track all expenses for a month or two to do this accurately;
Create a system whereby it is the budget which gives 'permission' for purchases, automatically & mechanically, without impulsivity or emotion playing a role;
Review the budget monthly to see how it is working for both of you. By consciously choosing to deal with money in an adult, rational manner, you both avoid the parent/child roles.
This also frees up space emotionally to look at why you unconsciously adopted those roles early in your relationship, and what gratification or payoff those roles were giving you.
People often think of financial planning, but as a couple you are also wise to think of emotional planning as well.
Anything which consistently generates resentment, anger, and/or distance in your relationship will inevitably lead to major problems in the future. If you have emotional issues to resolve, learn how to do it directly instead of playing them out through money.
It goes left unsaid that physical beauty is the first thing that gets a man's attention. A woman that is overly attractive will probably turn the heads of many, many males on a regular basis. But, does this mean that these are the only women who will get the men to approach them, take them out, and then eventually fall in love with them? You can relax; the answer is a definite no.
Men will notice outstanding beauty, just as all women will do double takes on a great looking guy. However, both sexes see attractiveness that catches their attention from those who are not the most gorgeous people walking the earth. Attractiveness comes from the way these people carry themselves and the way they make the most of what they've got.
Enhance your own beauty by doing exactly that - make the most of what you've got by finding your best assets and playing them up to look their most attractive. Use makeup, your outfits, and even your hairstyle to enhance your look.
Do you know what the best advantage you gain from doing this is? You make yourself feel better and more confident simply because you know you look good. This is where your feminine charm and mystique come in; you will get a man's attention because of the confident aura you exude. You have a greater chance of enticing a man and eventually making him commit if you promote a self-assured attitude.
It is always in your favor to take the time to develop both your inner and outer beauty. You will build up your personal satisfaction and also contribute to your attractiveness by paying attention to this. Keep your confidence high, but also keep a little mystery about you when dating and starting a relationship. You can keep a man interested by revealing your true self only a little at a time. He will be anxious to learn everything about you but you can keep him dangling by holding back. You can make a man fall in love and make him commit by playing up your feminine charms to keep the allure going.